Thursday, February 2, 2012

Road trip to Wisconsin

I've been in a car a lot of times, remember the 150K pictures?  But today was my first road trip - for the purpose of having a road trip.  We drove from northern IL up into southern WI, ending at Mt. Horeb.  I saw a lot of different things, including some trolls (visit the trollway online) and a place called Dick's Meats.  We ate at Schuberts in Mt. Horeb and had dessert in New Glarus.  Now I'm glad that I made it a goal to travel, this was fun!

Pictures below are from Schuberts in Mt. Horeb, WI

Pictures below are general ones from Mt. Horeb

Pictures below are from New Glarus, WI

 (so, I'm guessing his wife is Mrs. Sippy?)

(oh, Happy Groundhog Day!)

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