Sunday, February 26, 2012

Portillo's - Crystal Lake

Oh no!  My first noticeable blemish!  I got some of the Giardiniera oil on my forehead.  You can see it in the last picture (of me, anyway) in this post.  This is the first time I've changed my look (albeit, unintentionally) since I got my face!  Woah.

Anyway, food was an Italian Sausage with mozzarella cheese and Giardiniera peppers mix.  It was probably good, but (as you probably gathered by comments at the beginning of this post) I wasn't particularly interested in food at that particular point in time.

Once I was over my distress, we were already back in the car.  Usually I don't talk about car rides in here (except here and here and, well, here) but this was interesting due to the road signs which told us we could only turn right and at the same time that we could only turn left, only to have the road only go left.

Portillo's #6 for Ollie!

It was a private game, I couldn't join them.

The blemish!

Wait, this makes no sense.

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